Same Day Teeth
Introducing ‘Fast And Fixed’ Dental Implants
Are you concerned about wearing a denture?
Do you feel that you are going to gag every time you have it in your mouth?
Quite often we see people with some teeth missing, teeth breaking down, maybe they’re just aware that their teeth aren’t going to last, or they have a denture which they are struggling with. You know that you need treatment, you need a solution, but having to wear a denture can present the biggest challenge.
People manage very well having the implants placed and throughout the entire treatment, but the big bugbear is having to wear a short-term denture.
Therefore, Fast and Fixed treatment is a fantastic solution. After all the planning and discussions are finished, we bring you in to the practice in the morning and we put some implants in place, generally between four and six. That part of the treatment is completed over maybe an hour and a half, two hours. Then in the afternoon you come back in and we fit some teeth into place for you.
The big benefit of this over wearing a denture is that we don’t have the palette, there’s no coverage to the palette over this area, so you’re not having that problem feeling that you’re going to gag or that you feel there’s something moving about.
So, being able to not have a denture from the early stages is a real benefit. You can chew your food, you can get on with your life and not worry about the treatment you’re having done.
To begin with we will fit a temporary bridge, which would last about four months. You can then look forward to getting a new bridge which has been through the full smile design process and really gives you what you want, allowing you to continue to chew, not have a denture, and just get on with your life with the appearance that you want to achieve.